Auto pilot does not allow for growth. Vulnerability and long blog alert… So there I was finally getting to the stack of magazines I collect… and it wasn’t to positively spin them like I do with all things I don’t get to… “at least they’ll go to good use at my vision board workshop this month.. You know like all …
Happy Mother’s Day to all the Mother’s and the Countless Other’s
Written by: Melissa Mooney | Reading Time: 2 minutes

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing Mama’s! In memory of Cathy Marie Mooney, my Mother Kathleen Mooney, my Aunt and Other I had the unique upbringing of being raised by more than one mother. My younger years were rather unconventional and for large gaps in time my mother wasn’t able to be there to care for me. In light …
With all things love in the air during the month of February…I thought I’d write to you about self-love: what it is, why we need it, how to cultivate it and how to keep that loving feeling alive. So what is self-love anyway? “A regard for one’s own well-being and happiness. Loving yourself is essential to your own …
We love this time of year in our house and we sure are in full holiday swing. We’ve already made our 1st decoration swap…out with Halloween and on to Thanksgiving. Next on the list we get to celebrate our sweet Luciana Marie turning 5. Oh, my how time flies! Before you know it we will have zoomed right through the …
“When Hurricane Maria hit Puerto Rico, ‘everything collapsed simultaneously’ When things went bad, they went bad all at once, across this entire island. Suddenly, everything was dysfunctional, including the power grid, the cellphone towers, the banking system. Even the disaster managers, the professionals in charge of responding to hurricanes, were forced to evacuate the buildings where they had sheltered during …
Tis’ the season,” …we sure hear that a lot these days. Tis’ the season, for what exactly? We celebrate, we give, and we receive. The holidays are a time to rejoice and rejuvenate. However, many of us put undue stress on ourselves and raise our bar to standards that are hard to be met by most. We indulge and over …